Healthy Recipes For Kids

Sesame Seed Candy

05th February 2021

Sesame Seed Candy

Of course we don’t want to spoil our toddlers with candies. But of course these chewy immunity boosters for growing children are the best kind of candy there is. These candies are good-to-go soothers for a picky eater who loves something sweet. Sesame doesn’t need any introduction of course. These humble seeds are a great source of calcium and provide a great supply of antioxidants. They also boost energy and help in fighting infections. A great healthy treat for kids in winters.


  • 1 cup granulated sugar (switch to khand or desi sugar, organic brown sugar or palm sugar for an even more guilt-free option)
  • 1 1⁄2 cup sesame seeds


  1. Toast the sesame seeds in a medium pan by stirring at low heat for almost 6-8 minutes.
  2. When they are golden brown and give off a nutty fragrance, immediately remove the pan from the heat as they can pop.
  3. Set aside to cool.
  4. Place the sugar in a big pan and let it melt at medium-low heat. Don’t stir but swirl the pan to avoid crystallization.
  5. As the sugar melts, remove from pan and add toasted seeds and stir. Make sure to mix well.
  6. Scrape the mixture onto a parchment paper.
  7. Put another parchment paper on top of the caramelized seeds and level the mixture with a rolling pin.
  8. Cut into pieces with a sharp knife while warm.
  9. Serve for instant happiness.

Deepti Arora

Deepti is a certified nutrition consultant for Children.

Her deliciously healthy meals focus on developing enhanced immunity, deeper endurance, tireless stamina & essential fitness in growing children. She has been featured in Mother & Baby Magazine for her high nutrition meals.

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